Shop from in Turkish and Polish


Do you want to shop from in Polish or in Turkish? Would it be easier to shop if you had the German Amazon store in your language? It can be done!

I have already written articles on how you can visit in English and in Dutch. But, new as of November 2016 is that you also can visit and do your shopping there in Turkish and Polish. This is a great advancement for the German Amazon Store, and it for sure is great for those who feel more comfortable doing their shopping in Polish or Turkish instead of in English or German.

Now you can do your Christmas shopping from in Polish and Turkish

Press the links above to visit the German Amazon store in your preferred language, be it Polish or Turkish. Unfortunately these countries are not among the countries that can enjoy free shipping on orders above 39 Euro yet, but maybe in the near future they will be? Since the German Amazon Store has done the major work of translating lots of text to these languages, I guess they will want to make it easier to actually shop and have your goods delivered to these nations as well.

You should be aware of the fact that even though the website will be translated to Polish or Turkish as you click the links above, there will still be parts of the text still available in German only. It will for sure be some product descriptions that will remain in German. Some other information on the website might be in German as well, but some of the most important functions will be in Polish or Turkish. Give it a try and have a great time shopping from in Turkish or Polish.

Most products purchased on can be delivered to Turkey and Poland, but not all. If you need a temporary address in Germany which will forward your orders to your current address in Poland or Turkey, read more about the service Mailboxde right here.

I have no skills in Polish or Turkish. As a result I can not check the quality of the translations on the German Amazon store in these languages, but Amazon is normally good at what they are doing, so I would not be to worried about the quality of the translations.

Have you visit in Polish or Turkish? Did you like it? Have you placed your first order yet? Please write a comment and let me know how you like the German Amazon store in your own preferred language!

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