We normally add and install themes and plugins in WordPress using the search tool and installing the themes directly. But, if you have downloaded a theme or a plugin in a .zip file and want to install it manually, how can you do that?
In this little how to guide we will present two ways in which you can install a WordPress theme or a WordPress plugin manually. It is very easy to do, so do not expect a long and hard walk-through.
1) Upload theme or plugin via FTP
If you have downloaded a WordPress theme or Plugin to your computer it is easy to add it using FTP. You should extract the plugin or theme (if if is archived as a .zip, .rar or so on). Later on you simply connect to your FTP-server and enter your WordPress directly. If you want to upload a WordPress theme enter the following folder /wp-content/ folder and later the /themes/ folder. Upload the files of the theme (located inside the folder with the name of the theme) to the /themes) folder and once it is uploaded it should be working and possible to find in Appearance – Themes in the WordPress Admin tool.
[stextbox id=”info”]If the name of the theme you want to upload is “TenEleven” make sure that the files are uploaded to the following folder: /wp-content/themes/TenEleven/.[/stextbox]
If you want to add a WordPress plugin with FTP you need to enter the /wp-content/plugins/ folder and upload the plugin there. Make sure to upload it into a folder inside the plugin category.
[stextbox id=”info”]If the name of the plugin you want to upload is “Toggle”, make sure that the files are uploaded to the following folder: /wp-content/plugins/toggle/.[/stextbox]
2) Manually upload WordPress theme or plugin from dashboard
Uploading a theme or plugin manually via FTP is far more advanced than the option described here. If you have a .zip file with a theme downloaded to your computer you can simply go to Appearance – Themes in your WordPress admin area. Select “Install themes.” On the top of the page choose upload, and then find the file you want to upload and you are ready to go once the file is uploaded.
If you want to add a plugin you do exactly the same, only that you enter the Plugins – Add New in the admin tool and choose to upload manually. Once the plugin is uploaded you are ready to go!
Good luck and have fun adding new themes and plugins to your WordPress blog!
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