Heading keyboard shortcuts not working in Wordpress – Solution!

Wordpress 4 header keyboard shortcuts

Have you problems with using the keyboard shortcuts for making headers in WordPress after updating to WordPress 4.2? I had as well, but now they have been fixed. What was causing the problem? What was the solution?
Wordpress 4 header keyboard shortcuts

For a long time I have made a text in WordPress and simply marked it with the mouse and pressed CTRL + 1 and it has turned into a header 1 tag at once. If I wanted a <h2> tag I simply pressed CTRL + 2 for this to happen. But, then suddenly after upgrading to WordPress 4.2 this stopped working and instead I jumped between the different tabs in my Firefox browser. What went wrong? I tried a lot; deactivated all my plugins, changed to the standard WordPress theme – nothing seemed to help. But, then I found the solution.

How to fix keyboard shortcuts not working in WordPress 4.2?

The solution is, at least if you want to make headers, to not use CTRL + number anymore, but instead you need to press a much more complicated combination of buttons: Shift + Alt + Number. If you want to know more about this, you simply open the Toolbar Toggle and press the question mark, and there you can see the updated and new shortcuts for WordPress editing in WordPress 4.2. But for the sake of making nice headers, you are now to use Shift + Alt + Number to create the header that you want to!

Hope this has helped you, and have fun blogging on! If this has helped you, please share it so others suffering from the same problem will find the solution, just like you just have!

Other keyboard shortcuts available in WordPress 4.2

aSelect allxCut
uUnderlinekInsert/edit link

The following shortcuts use different access keys: Alt + Shift + letter. Macintosh uses Ctrl + Alt + letter.

1Heading 12Heading 2
3Heading 34Heading 4
5Heading 56Heading 6
nCheck SpellinglAlign Left
jJustify TextcAlign Center
dStrikethroughrAlign Right
u ListaInsert/edit link
o1. ListsRemove link
qQuotemInsert Image
wDistraction-free writing modetInsert More Tag
pInsert Page Break taghHelp
xAdd/remove code tag

Focus shortcuts:

Alt + F8Image toolbar (when an image is selected)
Alt + F9Editor menu (when enabled)
Alt + F10Editor toolbar
Alt + F11Elements path


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