If you sit at home with a nice broadband connection you do not really care if loading a website requires you to download 500kb or 5mb. However, if you for example use a data connection on a mobile phone and use this connection to surf in Windows, then you will for sure try to avoid those heavy websites and use as little data traffic as possible to reduce cost. Which is the best web browser for Windows available for you?
The answer is very simple, and it is almost the same as if you were an Android user. Because you might know that Opera Mini for Android is an ideal option if you use Android, because this will not load the pages directly, but instead they will load a lighther version of the sites, meaning that you will download much less data than you would with other browsers. An example is that in my Opera Mini on my Android phone it currently says that i have downloaded 188MB instead of 686MB, which is the result of Opera Mini and the way it is working. Knowing this I wondered if there is a similar option for Windows users, because it would be very useful to save the same amount of data as I use data connections in Windows.
Best browser to minimize data costs for Windows
After looking around I understood that this is not the most normal thing people look for, but the Norwegian company behind Opera seem to understand that there still is a need for this, and that is why they have made this a part of their already operating Opera browser for Windows. I had that browser for a long time, the only thing was that I did not know about the function and how to activate it. So, if you want to minimize data costs in Windows the best browser for you to use is Opera, and the function we are talking about is called Opera Turbo (earlier known as Off-Road). To activate Opera Turbo you only have to press the menu button (Opera) and then scroll down towards the bottom where you will see Opera Turbo. As you press Opera Turbo it will be activated and as of then you will start visiting sites using less bandwidth than earlier.
It is not always saving you bandwidth, so some sites as you visit them using Opera Turbo will use just as much bandwidth as if you would visit them with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox, but then again there are sites where you will save a lot of bandwidth. During a test earlier today for example opening CNN.com with the Opera Browser with Opera Turbo activated “costed” 700kb while visiting the same site without the Opera Turbo used more than 4,5mb on bandwidth. In other words, you will not always save a lot of bandwidth, but you will never use more and at lots of sites you will save bandwidth, so the end result will for sure be less used bandwidth than if you would use any other browser!
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