Seven days without Jesus makes one weak

seven days without Jesus makes one weak

Have you heard someone say ‘Seven days without Jesus makes one weak’? It is a well known slogan used by churches all around the world, but I just bumped into it recently on Facebook. In fact the text i saw was ‘Seven days without the Bible makes one weak’, but as I search around I noticed that there are several version of this slogan.

seven days without Jesus makes one weak

seven days without Jesus makes one weak

Now this is an interesting saying and to me personally it is sometimes easier to say ‘Seven days without Jesus makes on weak‘ than ‘Seven days without the Bible makes one weak’. The reason is very simple. In a very busy everyday it can happen often that I do not read my Bible every day and it even happens that I do not touch in an entire weak. I almost feel embarrassed to say so, but it is true, so why hide the truth away? But, I can say for sure that a week never passes by without being with Jesus. After all he is with me everywhere I go and since I know he is with me, I frequently speak with him. Call it prayer or call it a conversation, but he is there all the time with me.

Now I do agree when people say ‘Seven days without the Bible makes one weak’, because it is for sure true that we are created to live by the Word of God and we for sure need the nutrition it has to give us. But, the Devil loves to come with condemnation to stop us from living in the freedom and joy has created us to do. In fact he even condemned me before writing this article, saying that a guy who can even let a week pass by without reading the Bible should not write such an article as this. One thing I have learned however is not to listen to the devil, so as soon as I realized that he was coming with condemnation I understood that maybe I should write the article then. The condemnation from the devil should never hold me back, but instead I am to live in the freedom that God has called me to, free from the condemnation of the devil.

So here I am encouraging you to live with Jesus! Not only once a week, or twice a week, but every single day and every single second. And if you do not have time to read as much in the Bible as you want to or pray as much as you desire, God is still with you all the time. Instead of going to God to spend time with him, let him come with you all the time and let your entire life be consecrated to him.

Seven days without Jesus makes one weak

If you have any comments or thoughts, I would love to hear from you!

2 Responses

  1. The best thing in my life to wake up with Him in every morning. He just feed my soul before my brain wakes up. These conversations makes me strong??

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