The Life of Crime is an American crime comedy which was released in 2013 and it was written and directed by Daniel Schechter. The movie is based on Elmore Leonard’s 1978’s novel The Switch. The main characters in the movie are Jennifer Aniston as Margaret “Mickey” Dawson, Yasiin Bey as Ordell Robbie, Isla Fisher as Melanie Ralston, Will Forte as Marshall Taylor, Mark Boone Junior as Richard, Tim Robbins as Frank Dawson and John Hawkes as Louis Gara.
The film is about Margaret “Mickey” Dawson, who gets kidnapped by two criminals, Ordell Robbie and Louis Gara. “Mickey” is married to a wealthy and corrupt real estate developer, Frank Dawson and the two criminals black mails Mickey’s husband hoping for getting some money. But the husband, Frank decides rather not to pay the ransom for his wife ever because he was about to leave “Mickey” for his young mistress, Melanie Ralston anyway. The two criminals have to come up with a new plan quickly to get what they want.
The movie Life of Crime got generally good reviews and feedbacks from the critics.
Life of Crime is a really entertaining film with enough charm and good enough cast to make the whole movie enjoyable.
This film is now available to Amazon Prime members. If you are not an Amazon Prime member you can also watch it on Amazon Instant Video, but then you need to pay for it. In both cases you will need to be registered with an American Amazon account and you need an American IP address. Read more about watching Amazon from abroad here.
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