Bloggers like to blog wherever they are; in front of their computer, on the tram or maybe on the beach enjoying the summer weather. The question is though how to update and publish new posts from your mobile phone without entering the WordPress editor and writing the entire article and adding pictures inside the admin tool.
There is a great plugin out there for WordPress users which makes it really easy to publish posts with pictures from wherever you are. The name of the plugin is Postie and it makes things very easy. This is how you do it. First you download the plugin, activate it and do some simple setup. The most important is to create an emailaddress only used for this purpose. Your Postie plugin will check that email address regularly, and whenever it finds a post in the mailbox it will automatically be published to the blog.
Emails sent to a specific address will be published as a new blog post
What you need to do now is to write your wished for blog post as an email. Add as many pictures or videoes that you want, the subject of your email will become the topic of the article. Once you have done this, send the email, and soon the Postie plugin will discover your email sent to the given address and then it will automatically publish your newly written blog post to the blog. It is as easy as it sounds, and a great way to blog on the fly!
I have personally used Postie for a long time, and it really works good. If you are a pro and want to make some minor changes to design of the blog posts, that can easily be done modifying the Postie settings inside your WordPress admin tool.
If anyone else has other good advises on how to do this using other plugins or in other ways, why not write a comment and share your wisdom?
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