God’s Not Dead review

Gods Not Dead review
Film reviews

It has been a while since I watched God’s Not Dead, but since I recently started writing short reviews of (Christian) films I have seen, I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts on God’s not dead as well. Here you can find my God’s Not Dead review.

God's Not Dead reviewI must admit that I once heard about God’s Not Dead as I found the film on Netflix. It sounded interesting and that is why I started watching the film. But, after 10 minutes I stopped watching and left the film. Why? Was it that bad?

Not at all! The truth is that after watching God’s Not Dead for ten minutes I realized that the film was too good and too interesting to watch it alone, so I told my wife and instead we watched it together a bit later! And, after watching the film together we both agreed that we had a very good time and that this was a faith boosting film, even though the film is packed with reasoning that supports the fact that God is dead.

So, the story is about a guy named Josh Wheaton who has just enrolled for university and in the first year he needs to attend a philosophy class. Rumors say that his professor is a tyrant whose deepest desire is for his students to support the “fact” that God is dead. When Josh Wheaton as a Christian claims that he can not agree on that he needs to defend the antithesis, in other words, he needs to “prove” that God is Not Dead. This leads him into further studies, a lot of fear, and also trouble, because the professor wants to bring him down and destroy all his chances of succeeding with further studies. Because of this Josh argues with his girlfriend, but at the same time draw himself closer to good for support and help.

God is not dead is an apologetic film, and it is packed with well known arguments against Christianity, but at the same time Josh Wheaton with his character comes with lots of good arguments for Christianity.

I really enjoyed the film, and I can warmly recommend this again for youth groups, for church gatherings, for families watching at home and this also gives a great introduction to apologetics and it will be easy to lead a conversation concerning faith after watching the film.

You can watch God’s not Dead on Netflix, you can watch it on Amazon.com or you can buy it on DVD and on Pure Flix. Let me also add that this is a Pure Flix production which became a great hit, and in the spring of 2016 the follow up film will come, and I am already looking forward to it! And one last praise to Pure Flix… even though this is a Christian production, it has great quality and feels like a high quality production!

Hope you will enjoy the film as well! If you have any thoughts on God’s Not Dead, want to share your thoughts or maybe write a small review with your own opinion, please write a comment. I would love to hear from you!

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