Bizusgar – Get new readers and rank better

SEO Wednesday

The first days and months of a blog can be extremely tough. You do your best to write awesome content and after doing research and writing the article you publish it. So far, so good. The setback comes the next day when you visit Google Analytics only to find out that one person has read your article. It is time for a change and I believe that Bizsugar will help you spread the word about your amazing content dealing with small business topics and blogging.

bizsugar.comI registered at Bizsugar 15 days ago. I had more than one visitor a day at my blog by then, but I felt that it would be great to have some more people reading the content that I write. Some bloggers I met elsewhere recommended Bizsugar to me, so I registered and entered my profile details. The first thing I noticed is that all links from my Bizsugar profile page back to my blog and social profiles are do-follow links (contrary to for example YouTube), so thank you for that.

As a blogger eager to get visitors I at once submitted an article to Bizsugar. The article got listed and since then it has received a total of 9 votes (or 9 sugars as it is called over there). A number you will soon learn on Bizsugar is not 3, 7 or 14… but 16. That is the magic number you will set as a goal after reading this article. If you submit an article and it gets a total of 16 votes it will be featured as popular, which again means that it will be featured on the front page of, a site with Page Rank 6. It will not stay there for a very long time, but enough to get quite a lot of visitors visit your blog and to read the featured article. Another bonus which might be worth even more than the visitor itself is that after receiving your 16 votes the no-follow is removed from your submission and the link suddenly turns into a do-follow link. Thanks again!

Personal wrap-up after using Bizsugar for 15 days

As I mentioned my first submission to Bizsugar currently has 9 votes. Since then I have published 7 other articles. After submitting a total of 9 articles I have been able to rejoice over the fact that 4 of them have turned popular, and one of them has in fact got 36 Sugars (YouTube and Google Ranking. I have had more than 100 unique visitors coming to my blog from in this period, which is extremely good, at least if you have struggled getting any visitors at all beforehand. However Bizsugar is not only about getting votes for my own content, but it is also a great place to meet others, get to know new blogs and read blog posts recommended by a large amount of other bloggers.

Want to check it out for yourself? Visit, get registered and submit some articles yourself.

Ps: Forgot to mention that it is all 100% free

11 Responses

  1. The thing I’ve loved about BizSugar is that there seems to be many bloggers there who are genuinely interested in building relationships. I’ve enjoyed meeting people like you there and see lots of potential for forming partnerships and helping each other out in the future.

    I’ve also seen some great referral traffic to my blog from BizSugar as well. I’m glad you’re getting great results from it!

    • Hello Jeff,

      thank you for visiting and leaving a reply. I also have the same feeling as you that you can genuinely find people there who are interested in building relationships. That is especially true if you have a special target group with your blog so on Bizsugar you will often meet exactly those people who blog on the same subject as you, or have the same interests, and that is great for expanding your network. For me as a Christian it is a great way for example to find and get to know other Christians blogging about SEO, leadership, blogging, faith and similar topics!

  2. Hi there – it’s great to hear you are seeing the benefit of Bizsugar. One thing though – you do get your post seen straight away (if approved) and you don’t have to wait until 16 votes. Just check the “recent” tab and all posts are there. Thanks for sharing on and here’s to seeing lots more of your posts in the future.

    • I know that the article turns visible from vote number 1, but what I meant is that to get published is to turn popular, so I guess I messed up the expressions a bit in the article. Thank you for pointing it out, and will change the words to make it “clearer” what I meant! Nice to have you drop by the blog and hope to see you back here sometime later!

  3. Bizsugar is a great community where you can meet other bloggers and read business posts. I have been using Bizsugar since over 4 years and I’m loving it more 🙂

    One thing I love about the site is that, you can vote some interesting posts and comment and in return the person you have commented or voted for will return the same favour to you which is win win game.

    Thanks for sharing

    • I have realized the fact that people like to vote for those people who actually vote for them, which is great and it can inspire people to actually spend more time on Bizsugar… Thanks for replying!

  4. Aha! So you found my secret weapon I see. lol
    Just kidding. It’s no secret how much I LUV BizSugar and it is one of my favorite blogging communities. I did a video featuring the community a while back and it continues to send traffic my way.

    Great to see you there – maybe you’ll end up being featured one day too. Cheers!

  5. Hi Siggi,

    Sounds like you and I started with BizSugar around the same time, with similar results. Well…not really. I think you’re much more successful than I – great job !

    I really enjoy reading the multitude and variety of articles – I have learned a LOT. And there really is a feeling of genuine community allowing for the formation of relationships. I don’t remember how I discovered it, but sure glad I did.

    Here’s to your continued success !

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