I do not really care that much about the clothes I am wearing. Maybe I should care a bit more? But, what I do know for sure is that the smile is the most important thing you should wear!
You might look fantastic and have the best and most expensive clothes covering your body, but if the smile is missing, it isn’t worth much! People enjoy being around happy people, and they enjoy the presence of people who smile. It is much better to be in the company of someone happy and smiling than to be with a grumpy person with a lot of money. It is something about the presence you bring with you. When you enter the room, will people relax and smile, or will they fear and become insecure, wondering what you will bring with you?
Make sure to turn the smile on! Start smiling to yourself in the mirror as you wake up. If you start smiling, it will not only influence the people around you but also yourself! So, keep that smile shining! 🙂
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