Have you ever written a comment to a blog post, maybe with a question, and now you are waiting for some answer. Instead of checking back all the time, it is much better to subscribe to the comments. You might be able to make other blogs add the chance to subscribe to comments, but you can at least have a „subscribe to comments” possibility available to people who visit your site.
It is very easy to make it possible for visitors to your blog to get an automatic email when new comments are made on a blog post of yours. We have tried a plugin named Subscribe to Comments reloaded and this is what it does.
Subscribe to comments in WordPress
When you activate the Subscribe to Comments Reloaded this is what will happen automatically.
- Users will be given the option when commenting to subscribe to comments and receive an automatic email in the future when new comments are made.
- Users can subscribe to future comments without making a comment themselves.
- Users can administrate their subscriptions easily.
- Lots of other functions and options and notifications can be setup in the admin tool.
As you understand this plugin does most of the work by itself, making it very easy for you to use it and for your visitors to subscribe to comments at your page and stay up to date on certain topics they are interested in. The plugin is translated into quite a lot of languages, so if you for example have set your WordPress language to German the plugin will be automatically made visible in German language.
What do you think? Sounds cool? Why not write a comment to the post and subscribe to future comments on this post?
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