Not long ago I had a website running BBpress forum system. It all worked great, but then I realized that the change password option on the user profile site was almost invisible, or at least the description texts.
The texts that turned invisible because of this error were the following texts. Because of the error it was very hard for visitors to understand what they needed to fill in.
“If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise leave this blank. ”
“Type your new password again.”
“Your password should be at least ten characters long. Use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols to make it even stronger.”
I looked for a solution to the problem but found it nowhere, so I sat down and fixed it myself. This is what I did to fix it.
Fix the BBpress invisible text problem
To fix the error you can simply go your your WordPress admin tool, plugins and editor. Select BBpress and find the “bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/form-user-edit.php”. Open the file and look for the following line:
[stextbox id=”grey”]<span class=description><?php _e( ‘If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise leave this blank.’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?</span>[/stextbox]
Once you have located this try to remove <span class=description> code and the </span> code. Save the file and check if you have fixed the error. If it is working just do the same with the following lines which will make the other texts visible as well.
I hope this will work and good luck making your BBpress forum look wonderful!
The following screenshot will make you see what it looked like once we changed the code at all three places.
One response
This is great, but can be tricky, because if someone install a bbPress update later the changes will be overwritten and you will probably need to make the changes again, unless they will actually fix this problem in future bbPress updates.