How to remove – at the end of lines in Wordpress cutting words in two?

Blog improvements

Have you suddenly noticed that your WordPress blog has started to cut words in two? Instead of starting a new line with a new word, words are divided into two using a – at the end of the line? This can be annoying, but it is easy to fix.

If you want to remove syllabication/hyphenation in Wordress, then you need to add this simple code to your style.css and it should be removed at once. Makes sure to delete cache and refresh your site if it doesn’t seem to work.

hyphenation in WordPress

The following code, copy and paste it into your style.css and it should be working.

[stextbox id=”grey”].site-content article {
word-wrap: break-word;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;

I am not really sure why some themes start dividing words in two and so on, but I have experienced with several WordPress themes and on quite a lot of different sites, especially if they are written in other languages than English. So, if you fight with this problem with hyphenation in WordPress, get it solved today and enjoy a blog without lots of – at the end of the lines.

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