Twitter is a good friend of almost every blogger and that is why many of us carry Twitter with us wherever we go on our mobile phones. In that way we can stay updated, share tweets, retweet and communicate with fans and followers throughout the entire day. But, if you have several Twitter profiles you might wonder how to change Twitter profile in the Android mobile application.
To change profile in the Twitter application for Android telephones was very easy for a long time. Then a new update came not long ago, and after that it turned harder. But, it can still be done easily and this is what you need to do.
Change Twitter profile inside the Android Twitter application
In the Twitter application you will find four options in the menu bar:
– Home – Connect – Discover – Me –
If you have several Twitter profiles and would like to change between those inside the Twitter application you need to head over to the “Me” option. Once there you need to press the button for accounts and there you will be able to change between the accounts you have added in your Twitter settings.
If you have still not added more than one Twitter account you can press the Settings button, also located under the “Me” option and. Once you have pressed it select Settings and there you will find the option to add a new Twitter account.
Hopefully these instructions will help you change between the different Twitter profiles you have and make communicating with followers and people you follow easier. And if you are on Twitter, why not follow HowToBlogInfo on Twitter as well?
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