Posts in Blogging

hungarian grill

A Hungarian barbecue party – strange stuff!

One of the hardest things to get used to as you move to Hungary is[…]

carrot in garden

Garden work is lots of fun – the results are strange!

I really like working in the garden, and I am a big fan of growing[…]

SocialPilot website

A short SocialPilot review

Yesterday I read about SocialPilot for the first time. I did not know anything about[…]

Textmaster review

A review based on personal experience!

Recently I have had the chance to test for different purposes. I have used[…]

children is a gift to bloggers

Why children are a gift to all bloggers!

I have three children and sometimes they drive me crazy. Even though they make me[…]


Five lessons from Paul the Apostle on blogging

Have you read the letters written by Paul the Apostle? Have you noticed how many[…]


Is Prime Reading available on Amazon in Germany and England?

I recently wrote an article on Prime Reading and what it is about (I really[…]

A WPML friendly related posts plugin for Wordpress

Related posts plugin compatible with WPML

Are you using WPML and want to find a WordPress plugin showing related posts on[…]

Write a blog post at

Write at

One of my most popular articles is the article about Christian blogs where you can[…]

Hide those featured images

How to remove featured images from WordPress posts?

The featured images in WordPress is one of the most annoying things I experience as[…]