Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.

There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting

Are you tempted into giving up? Have you been blogging for a while and now you feel like quitting and giving up? Have you been testing your luck on Steemit, but so far no success at all?

I have got to admit, my Steemit career is a big minus so far. I bought some Steem tokens when the price was between 1-1,5 USD, meaning that their current value is down a whole lot. I am writing articles regularly, but they do not get a giant income… Would this be a situation in which it feels tempting to give up? It might be, but that is when I remind myself of what I wrote about last week – what a Steem token is worth to me!

When you have a dream, you cannot set your eyes on the present state at all times. You need to live in the present and fight in the present, but you need to see the vision even clearer in front of your eyes. It might be tough today, it might get even tougher tomorrow, but one day it will come a breakthrough, and you will be so happy that you did not give up!

There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting

There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting

I hope you realize that me writing articles such as this one is just as much about encouraging myself as encouraging my readers! Keep it up, and one day we will look back at this and laugh and say “Thank you God” that I did not give up, but kept on working!

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