How to add a YouTube video to your blog?


Have you seen a YouTube video that you would love to include in one of your blog posts, but wonder how to embed or add that video to your blog post instead of only linking to YouTube?

To add a YouTube video to your blog is a very easy thing to do. Write your article and when you get to the place where you would like to add a YouTube video simply go to YouYube and take a look at the actual video. Beneath the video you can see several options.

Step-by-step: How to add a YouTube video to your blog?

Embed YouTube video in your blog

Press the share button and then you will get the following showing up.

Share YouTube video in your blog

Press the Embed button and then you will get the following screen up with a code that you can easily copy and paste into your blog.

YouTube on my blog

When you want to embed a video to your site, make sure to know the width of you blog, so that you do not embed a video larger than the width of your site. Normally a width of 600 pixels should work easily. Take the code given by YouTube and paste it into your blog. If you use WordPress or Blogger or similar tools, make sure to copy the code into the editor area and not the visual editor. If you copy the code into the visual editor it will not show any video, only show the code you just pasted. However, if you paste the video code into the maunal editor the video will show up as you save and take a look at your recently published post with a YouTube video in it. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Here you can see an example of us embedding a YouTube video into this blog post!

[stextbox id=”info”]Be aware of the fact that some people do not allow people to embed their YouTube videos on other blogs and sites. If that is the case, you will not be able to find these options because the author/creator does not want their video embedded in blogs and on websites around the globe.[/stextbox]

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