Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.

Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.
Leadership in the Bible

I am having a hard day concentrating today, so I thought it would be wise to find a quote that will help me concentrate. Not so sure it will help, but take a look at this one!

Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.

Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.

There are many things that will take you on the path of success and victory. But, I do believe that the ability to keep concentrated and focused, even on days when it is hard and your head is somewhere else, is one of those things that will make you able to succeed. It isn’t easy, and I am struggling with focusing and concentrating regularly. On such days every task takes much longer time, and it is even harder to get started. Instead of just answering the email, you watch three websites first, vote for someone on Steemit, and when you have answered the email, you have spent 25 minutes instead of 5. The problem is that this will keep on coloring your day, as you are most likely to follow in the same path with the rest of your tasks.

That is probably the reason why the quote says that concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. If you want to have the margins on your side, you need to fight for it and to mentally do the task and the right steps, even though it feels hard.

In the Bible, in Psalm 103, David says: “My soul bless the Lord.” I believe this was a decision he had to make. He didn’t necessarily feel like praising God, but he knew God is worthy, and therefore he told himself – Get started, get the praise going, he is worthy!

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