Posts in Technical

How to redirect visitors to my new web address?

There comes a time in every bloggers life when you want to move on and[…]

How to find the IP address and server location my blog?

Why on earth do I need to know the IP address of my blog? If[…]

How to manually upload a theme or plugin in WordPress?

We normally add and install themes and plugins in WordPress using the search tool and[…]

New Google Page Rank update

I just visited Business and Faith to publish the new inspirational Monday message when I[…]

How to remove syllabication in WordPress?

Last week I published a new post and suddenly I noticed that instead of starting[…]

How to create a WordPress child theme?

Would you like to create a WordPress child theme? Here comes the basics on how[…]

How to change WordPress excerpt size?

Recently I had a little challenge with an rss-feed. The normal excerpt which is added[…]

How to forward people with low screen resolution to another address?

Recently I had the following question that I asked myself: How can I forward people[…]